Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spilling Bea

Many people cannot spell, and they are all around us. I have interviewed people, who could not correctly spell the name of their high school on an application for employment. To me, that indicates someone that is not too aware of things around them. Think about it, they had to pass the names of their high schools on signs every day. And what about attendance at pep rallys, where the cheer leaders lead a cheer that went, "Give me a C, give me an E, give me an N, give me a T, give me an R, give me an A, give me an L. Whataya got? CENTRAL!" Not being able to spell the name of the high school from which you graduated is a definite deal breaker when applying for a job. Some of these people even have jobs painting the word "school" on streets near schools, and unfortunately, they don't know they can't spil skul.


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