Sunday, February 06, 2005

Spam Names

I have been keeping track of the names of some of the people who send me spam. Some of the names are quite ridiculous. This week, some of the names were Continual O. Harassment, Underworld R. Overalls, Taxed Again, Shadows B. Stickiest, Exhibitors D. Illustrators, Nourishment C. Decants, Rosamund Xixtgn, Sweeties E. Tetons, Nippers E. Distaff.

Would anyone in his right mind even open an email from someone with one of these names, let alone buy something from them? "Oh my, I got an email from someone named Nippers E. Distaff, better open it right away and buy what is being sold. That's a name you can trust." "Dear, come quick. Underworld Overalls sent us an email. Let's open it right away. Must be important."

Who sends these things out?. More importantly, do they understand our system of names here? They must be mostly from foreign countries, so have no idea what first and last names we use. They probably just look up words in the dictionary, thinking they can be used as first and last names.

My favorite recent Spam name was Sweeties E. Tetons. I can imagine a foxy babe sending out emails using that name. And her tetons would have to be sweeties.

I'll collect some more and share them when there are some good ones.


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