Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Russian Astrologer Sues NASA

What have we come to. I read in the news today that a Russian astrologer sued NASA for $300 million for her "moral sufferings." Marina Bai said when NASA sent a probe into Comet Tempel 1 and created a crater and cosmic dust, it ruined "the natural balance of forces in the universe." Supposedly, the lady astrologer feels the experiment would "deform her horoscope." The Moscow court posponed hearings on the case until late July.

Obviously, there is more unbalanced here than the forces in the universe. I am glad to see that the Russian courts are seeing silly lawsuits similiar to those in the United States. It must mean that capitalism is succeeding in Russia. Given the illogic of this situation, the only thing that should be surprising is that none of the space projects involving satellites or other space debris have thrown horoscopes out of wack before now. And speaking of "wack", why is anyone paying any attention to this wacko suit that may just represent the mental condition of thoughts of its filer?

What if the change in her horoscope is a good one? I have always understood that good astrologers used the stars and other heavenly bodies to read trends and predict the future. Isn't that why people go to them? A good astrologer is supposed to tell you when things are going to be bad, so you can stay in bed with the covers pulled over your head or react to upcoming situations so as to get a better result. She is also supposed to tell you when to go out and make a million from Ebay, the stock market or your latest invention. Did she not see this space experiment in her own future, and if not, what does that say about the quality of her readings? This seems very suspicious to me on many levels.

Can someone with half a brain really believe they will win a suit against a foreign country for something that took place thousands of miles away in space and did no physical injury to anything but a comet? This sounds like a desperate public relations gambit increase customers to an ailing personal service business.

With this suit, we now have the potential for a whole new legal industry. Why not sue Russia and the US for littering the moon or Mars. Each "small step for man" could be worth thousands of giant bucks for the members of the class action moon damage suit. "Look, Mabel, NASA has made a pimple on the face of the moon. That's changed the whole look. I can't get romantic looking at moon acne." Just one more giant leap for lawyers bank accounts.

But that's just one person's opinion.


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