Wednesday, April 27, 2005

New Pope

Several blogs ago I wrote about the media conducting Pope Polls about what Americans would like to see in the new Pope. I stated that they missed the point, and a poll would have no effect on the election of a Pope. The Pope Poll became a news story.

Well, time has shown me correct. The Catholic Church has a new conservative Pope, who is nothing at all like the media's poll hoped he would be. The Catholic Church will not in the near future be listening to church members or the media and its polls regarding anything to do with basic faith matters.

This whole Pope election business reminded me of a joke I heard years ago about the election of a Pope. It seems the Cardinals had almost selected a certain Bishop named Bishop SiCola, when someone realized there was a potential problem with the man's name if he became Pope. He stated that they could never name Bishop SiCola as Pope because they could not have a Pope SiCola.


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