Friday, July 22, 2005

A Typical Blog

I have been doing some blog research since I started the two I write. I am amazed at how dull some of them are. Of course, there are others that are quite good. The dull and boring ones seem to run like this:

"Hi. Another day in blogdom. I got up at 5:30AM, stretched, yawned, and went to the bathroom. Then I had a glass of water. Did you ever think about how important water is? I do. I shaved, and cut myself, which is hard with an electric razor. Had some trouble picking the color of my briefs, but wanted to coordinate with my jeans, so picked the blue ones.

Breakfast was next. I had one of those granola bars. Not the kind that has no nutrition, but one with a whole lof of vitamins and minerals. I spent quite a bit of time researching, and you would be surprised how many granola bars are basically just roughage. Yet, they are still popular.

After breakfast, I drove to work. I tried something different today, and set my car's cruise control at 65 mph. I did not pass another car on the way to work, but hundreds of other cars passed me. When I arrived at work, I was 21 minutes early, so I went to the bathroom again. One has to start the day right. Work was pretty normal. For lunch I went to Wendy's and had trouble deciding on the sides, but finally got a salad and fries and a cup of water.

Back from lunch, I went to the bathroom again before bearing down on the whole workaholic thing!. LOL! I know I sound like I don't like my job, but I do. Finished work at 5:00PM on the dot, and drove straight home. Wanted to get started on my daily blog writing! It's 6:30PM, and I am hungry. Will close for now, but there will be more later!"

Gee, I hope so. Will wait with baited breath, like the cat that ate the cheese and waited outside the mouse hole.


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