Bad Ideas For Greeting Cards
Things you never see on greeting cards.
Happy Anniversary!
How could you marry someone with such bad breath!
Get well soon.
You need to get back to work cause you owe me money.
Sorry to hear
That your dog attacked a skunk.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
If I were boring,
I'd be like you.
Life is like an onion...
You peel away one layer,
And there's still more tears.
We've been friends for years.
Frankly, I wonder why.
Happy Anniversary!
How could you marry someone with such bad breath!
Get well soon.
You need to get back to work cause you owe me money.
Sorry to hear
That your dog attacked a skunk.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
If I were boring,
I'd be like you.
Life is like an onion...
You peel away one layer,
And there's still more tears.
We've been friends for years.
Frankly, I wonder why.
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