Sunday, April 10, 2005

Pope Poll

Media coverage of the funeral of Pope John Paul II revealed a lack of understanding of the Catholic Church. At least one network conducted a poll to see what Catholics wanted to see as a characteristic of the new Pope. The network personality reported that American Catholics wanted to see a more liberal person in this important position. Presumably, we want the Catholic Church to approve of abortion, divorce and just plain old messing around.

That the Pope Poll was even conducted shows no understanding of the election process or the Catholic Church at the top levels. The Cardinals who will elect the new Pope do not elect on the basis of polls. Perhaps the media has this process confused with the decision making process of some American politicians, who would not and will not make any major decision until the results of the polls are in.

A Pope Poll means nothing to those 50-80 year-old Cardinals who will choose the next Pope. So why conduct the poll? That is a good question. The poll itself became a news event, even though it was an event that had no value. What kinds of polls are next? Perhaps the networks will conduct an opinion poll about the dress of women and men in various religions. "Should Amish men and women start dressing in more colorful clothing? For results of that important poll, tune in at Eleven."


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